Shenlong Longshantian rolling mill located in Cixi, Ningbo Shenlong Group is the main production plant one. Rolling mill to high-quality, large-sized billet as raw materials and the leading domestic equipment and dual automatic rolling and rolling production technology, industrial, construction material, thread-oriented products, the production capacity of 300,000 tons, For the production of carbon steel structural steel, high-quality carbon steel and low alloy steel products by GB/T14981-94 and GB1499-1998 production. Production specifications Φ6.5 ~ 12 mm wire, Φ10 ~ 25 mm bar. Length bar to deliver wire-to the state of delivery. Rolling mill factory strong technical force, advanced technology and equipment, detection means perfect, advanced detection methods to ensure that the quality of products, and through a series of technical improvements, and continuously reduce production costs and improve product quality. Factories always adhere to the "user first quality standards, rely on scientific and technological progress, and to their customers to provide a stable quality products" and the principle of quality "products must meet their confidence, customer satisfaction," quality objectives. |